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Thought Leadership & Enablement
June 5, 2024

Why You Should Make Quiz Marketing Your Secret Weapon

In this quiz marketing guide, discover its benefits, the types of quizzes you can create, real-life success stories, and the steps to take to get started.

Brittany Gulla
Director of Growth Marketing


  • Quiz marketing involves creating quizzes that engage and inform your target audience.
  • There are a variety of benefits to quiz marketing: engagement, customer feedback, customer insights, customer data, and brand awareness.
  • Brands can create multiple types of quizzes to suit a variety of needs.
  • See how Heifer International created a trivia quiz that garnered a 98% engagement rate.
  • The NHL created a personality quiz that reaped huge benefits, including a 58% engagement rate and the collection of 20,000 leads per month.
  • Samsonite’s Product Match Quiz saw 50% of quiz takers going on to shop recommended products.
  • Evenflo created a diagnostic quiz to help parents find the right options for strollers and car seats — and saw conversion rates rise 48% higher than business-as-usual (BAU) rates.
  • The cosmetics company e.l.f. (Eyes. Lips. Face.) created a quiz to survey customers about their No Budge Shadow Stick, allowing them to collect more than 11 data attributes per customer.
  • The Jebbit Experience Builder lets you create interactive content, including quizzes, easily and without the need for coding.

Looking for that magic solution that will help you take your marketing game to the next level? Today’s brands are beginning to realize that it’s all about engagement. And where engagement is concerned, it’s no longer enough to create the most buzzy or exciting advertisements. Customers are looking for fun, meaningful interactions that offer a real benefit.

You can capture their attention with quiz marketing. For customers, quizzes offer a ton of value: entertainment, personalized recommendations, product information, a chance to express their opinions, and more. 

We’re here to help you get started. Follow along to learn all about quiz marketing, the types of quizzes you can create, and how to create them.

What Is Quiz Marketing?

It’s such a simple concept that it’s genius! Quiz marketing happens when brands create quizzes designed to engage and inform their target audiences. A marketing quiz doesn’t necessarily need to be about making a sale — although in some cases, it can be. You can also use quizzes to gather data, collect leads, learn more about customer preferences, or help customers find the right products.

What Are the Benefits of Quiz Marketing?

If you haven’t added quizzes to your marketing mix yet, you should. Why? Because it’s an easy way to reap huge benefits. Here’s what you can get from online quizzes:

  • Customer engagement: Most types of content marketing involve reading or watching something, which means that while they can boost engagement, there isn’t an interactive element that really helps customers immerse themselves in the content. Quizzes are interactive, which makes them one of the most engaging forms of content you can produce.
  • Customer feedback: Some quizzes are designed to help you get a read on customer preferences, pain points, and other details concerning your user experience. These quizzes can help you collect valuable feedback that you can use to make both the customer journey and customer experience even better.
  • Customer insights: What do your customers want most? Quiz them, and they’ll tell you! Quizzes are a great way to gather valuable insights into everything from demographic data to interests, hobbies, product preferences, and more.
  • Customer data: As noted, quizzes can be a valuable way to collect data — and it goes well beyond demographics. You can use them to collect zero-party data (contact information, preferences, and so on), and first-party data (like browsing information from website visitors and location details).
  • Brand awareness: Quizzes are shareable — and when quiz takers have fun with your quizzes, they’ll want to share them with friends and colleagues on social media. Social shares are a valuable way to get the word out about your brand.

You’ll get a lot from quiz marketing, and you’ll have the chance to give potential customers what they want too. Certain types of quizzes — most notably, product recommendation quizzes — can help customers navigate your lineup of offerings to discover what will best fit their needs. 

In some cases, you can even increase your average order value (AOV) while increasing customer loyalty at the same time. For example, let’s say that a hypothetical skincare brand creates a quiz that recommends the right product based on a user’s skin type. This quiz can also recommend companion products that the user can combine with the initial product to get even better results. Everyone wins — your AOV goes up, and the customer is thrilled with a skincare routine that works beautifully for their unique needs.

Types of Quiz Marketing and Examples

Wondering what type of quiz you should create? Don’t stop at just one! There are a variety of quiz types that your target audience will enjoy. Read below for recommendations and examples.

1. Trivia Quizzes

Quiz marketing: example of a trivia quiz

A trivia quiz is a great way to boost engagement among your customers — and because these quizzes are designed to be a fun activity, they’re also highly shareable, which makes them a good tool to help you build brand awareness. Trivia quizzes are the online version of trivia night at your favorite pub. They’re meant to test your target audience’s knowledge in a specific area (usually an area that your brand happens to focus on).

One example of this is a trivia quiz that Heifer International created in partnership with Jebbit. This quiz is one of a couple of different assets that Heifer developed with Jebbit — and it’s a fun little experience that tests user knowledge about bees. It was launched as part of a marketing campaign that also included personality quizzes. 

The results? Heifer’s venture into quiz marketing gave them a 98% engagement rate, an 85% completion rate, and a 41% lead capture rate. Overall, this campaign was a huge success, helping Heifer collect donations to support their mission.

2. Personality Quiz

Quiz marketing: National Hockey League's personality quiz

Personality quizzes are the workhorse of the online quiz world. Almost everyone loves answering fun questions to discover what their personality type is — so much so that Buzzfeed built an entire business model around personality quizzes. With this in mind, you can use personality quizzes to engage customers, build loyalty, recommend products, collect data, and gain customer insights — all in one quiz.

That’s what the National Hockey League (NHL) did with their personality quiz. It’s a fun experience that shows users what NHL mascot they are on the inside. Not only did it give the NHL a 58% engagement rate with 60% of people completing it, but it also collected 20,000 leads per month — and 50% of people who completed the quiz went on to shop recommended products. That’s a lot, and all from one simple experience that matches fans with their inner mascot.

3. Product Recommendation Quiz

Samsonite’s Product Match Quiz

Product recommendations aren’t just fun; they’re also a fantastic way to drive sales while providing a seamless personalized shopping experience for your customers. When people take the quiz, it should ask a few simple questions about their needs and preferences, then wrap up by offering tailored recommendations according to the data you’ve collected.

You can see how it works through Samsonite’s Product Match Quiz. This quiz delivers a simple, smooth user experience through a handful of questions designed to suss out details on the user’s travel preferences. Based on that information, it can offer recommendations for the best product to suit an individual’s needs. 

The case study reveals the success of this particular quiz. Not only did 50% of quiz takers go on to shop the recommended products, but it also worked quite well to boost user engagement. Fifty-eight percent of website visitors who clicked on the quiz engaged with it, and 60% completed it.

4. Diagnostic Quiz

Evenflo’s online quiz

Diagnostics quizzes are all about troubleshooting a problem. Traditionally, this type of quiz design has served as a stand-in for tech support, using questions and answers to diagnose a technical problem and walk the customer through to a resolution. However, you can also treat a diagnostics quiz as a leveled-up version of the product recommendation quiz. 

That’s how Evenflo’s quiz works. It begins by recognizing the fact that new parents are often faced with an overwhelming number of choices and decisions to make — and then it helps them solve that problem by walking them through a series of questions designed to help them find the right options for strollers and car seats.

Not only does this prove incredibly helpful for parents, but it’s been great for the marketers involved too. Since launching this quiz, Evenflo has experienced a 19% decrease in their website bounce rate, plus 48% more conversions compared to their BAU rates. On top of that, they’ve collected an average 4.8 key attributes per user.

5. Customer Preference Quiz

e.l.f. Cosmetics’ online quiz

Want to find out more about the things your customers want most? A customer preference quiz is what you need. This type of quiz polls customers about their specific preferences in regards to the products that you’re offering. It can help you discover how to fill gaps in your product lineup, or you can send these quizzes out as a post-purchase follow-up to learn about how you can tweak the product or the customer experience to better suit consumer needs.

The cosmetics company e.l.f. (Eyes. Lips. Face.) did this with a quiz that asked customers about their No Budge Shadow Stick. This experience asks customers what they liked best about the product and what features they look for when purchasing this kind of makeup. 

In terms of gathering data, the quiz was a big hit. Eighty-four percent of quiz takers completed the experience (which only took an average of 122 seconds per customer), and that allowed e.l.f. to collect more than 11 data attributes per customer. 

How to Create and Promote Quizzes

We’ve shown you some great examples of interactive quizzes. Now it’s time to add your own quizzes to your marketing plan. It’s a simple process — and we’ll walk you through it step by step.

1. Get Set Up With a Quiz Maker

You could create quizzes from scratch — but that’s a lot like putting square wheels on your car. It’ll be a lot harder to get things rolling. 

The better option is to choose a platform where you can make whatever you want using either quiz templates or your own design. The Jebbit Experience Builder is just such a tool. This no-code quiz builder will make it easy for you to create interactive content in a variety of formats — not just quizzes, but also surveys, lookbooks, polls, and other types of assets.

2. Determine Your Goals

Before you start designing, determine the purpose for your quiz. There are lots of things that quizzes can help you do, such as:

  • Increase engagement
  • Build brand awareness
  • Gather customer data
  • Capture leads
  • Boost conversion rates
  • Learn about customer preferences
  • Learn about customer pain points
  • Create personalized product recommendations

Your best bet is to examine your digital marketing strategy to see what needs optimization. For example, if you need more data, then design a quiz with data collection as your primary goal. But if you need to build buzz, then focus on creating a quiz that is fun, engaging, and super shareable.

3. Identify Your Target Audience

As with all types of marketing tools and assets, you’ll need to take your target market into account — especially if you’re creating things like personality, style match, or trivia quizzes. To really engage your target audience, find out what they enjoy, then build a quiz to match. 

For example, if your brand sells snacks, it’s likely that some of your audience segments enjoy sports. You could engage these segments with a quiz that asks about their game-day snack preferences, then wraps up by offering a personalized recommendation for one of your products.

4. Choose a Quiz Type

Choosing your goals and analyzing your target audience are among the first steps because these two things will help you determine what type of quiz you need to create. 

Think about it this way: If your goal is to round out your email list with new leads, then you’ll need to create a quiz that features a lead generation form at the end. But how will you entice quiz takers to give you their email address? 

Look to your audience’s preferences to find out. For instance, if your data reveals that you have a lot of shoppers seeking knowledge, try a product recommendation quiz that exchanges quiz results for an email address.

5. Create Quiz Questions

Creating the right questions will be the hardest part of the process — and that’s because the questions need to not only engage your customers but also support your goals for the quiz. Take your time in creating a set of questions, and remember that less is more. You don’t want to bombard customers with dozens upon dozens of questions. A small handful of carefully selected questions that focus around a narrow topic will get you the best results in terms of engagement and completion rates.

Once you’ve created your questions, feel free to test them out. Take the quiz yourself, and send it out to colleagues to get their responses. This will give you an idea of how well the quiz will perform once it goes live. Keep in mind that even after the quiz goes live, you can always make adjustments to questions or the overall design to improve its performance.

6. Promote Your Quiz

Now that you have a finished quiz, it’s time to launch it and promote it! But where should you promote it? This will largely depend on the type of quiz that you’ve created and the goals that you have for it. For example, if you’re creating a quiz that asks customers how satisfied they are with a purchase, it’s best to send it out in a follow-up email or SMS message. 

Here are some other ways to promote quizzes:

  • Share them on social media.
  • Link to quizzes on your homepage, on product pages, or elsewhere within your online store.
  • Create a section for quizzes within your mobile app, if you have one.
  • Link paid ads on search result pages or social media to landing pages that feature the quiz.

Jebbit Can Help You Get Started With Quiz Marketing

Quiz marketing is a great way to build engagement among your customers while giving you opportunities to collect data, gain customer insights, and drive sales. The benefits can be huge, and often, you can achieve multiple goals at once — like engaging your current customers while also collecting data and capturing the attention of potential customers.

It’s surprisingly easy to create a great quiz too. Follow the steps above, and make sure to use Jebbit’s Experience Builder to help you create a beautiful design that seamlessly integrates with your website, mobile app, and other properties. 

If you’d like to learn more about how Jebbit’s quizzes and interactive experiences can work wonders for your brand, schedule a strategy call.

Brittany Gulla
Director of Growth Marketing

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Jebbit Grid Decorative
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