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Thought Leadership & Enablement
September 30, 2024

First-Party Data Examples: Real-Life Brands That Nailed It!

Check out these first-party data examples to be inspired and see how four real-life brands have successfully gathered and used first-party data.

Brittany Gulla
Director of Growth Marketing


  • Nestle’s Purina needed first-party data to enhance their personalization strategy — so they partnered with Jebbit to create interactive experiences that unlocked valuable insights.
  • LoveSeen gathered first-party data through a product recommendation quiz, then used the collected data to create highly personalized marketing emails.
  • Publishers Clearing House worked with Jebbit to enhance their surveys, which enabled them to create high-quality consumer insight reports for their partner brands.
  • JCPenney created Jebbit experiences to leverage new types of data — and to gather the insights needed to refine brand messaging according to customer preferences.

In the hands of savvy brands, first-party data is as close as you can get to a magic wand. In the face of recent privacy laws and the need to personalize marketing as much as possible, the data that customers willingly provide is becoming your most valuable resource.

But how can you collect first-party data? And once you have it, what can you do with it?

We’re here to show you. The first-party data examples highlighted below will outline data collection strategies among top brands plus innovative use cases for these insights.

First-Party Data Examples: 4 Brands to Learn From

Below, you’ll find some of our favorite first-party data examples. Discover the innovative ways that major brands are using first-party data — and how you can learn from these examples to enhance your own strategy.

1. Purina Enhances Personalization Efforts With First-Party Data

First party data examples: Purina’s online surveys and quizzes

These days, it can be tough to engage your target audience. People skip or mute video ads often — and banner blindness is a very real phenomenon that causes users to ignore traditional ads. 

Those are some of the reasons why Nestle’s Purina partnered with Jebbit. One of Purina’s main goals was to bring up engagement levels through meaningful customer interactions. With Jebbit’s help, they created a variety of different interactive digital experiences, including surveys, quizzes, and lookbooks. These experiences proved extremely successful: Purina’s interactive content saw an 86% completion rate and a 65% lead capture rate.

Purina’s successes with Jebbit didn’t end there, however. These digital experiences provided a fantastic boost to engagement — and they also helped Purina gather a wealth of first-party data. This enriched data provided Purina with much deeper insights into their customer base, allowing them to refine their segmentation strategy and improve marketing personalization, which will help them build even stronger connections with their customers.

What You Can Learn From Purina

With interactive digital experiences, you can create a feedback loop that consistently drives engagement levels higher while improving your personalization efforts. Engage your customers with interactive experiences and collect first-party data along the way. With that data, you can unlock insights that help you create ever more personalized experiences — and those experiences will help you enrich your datasets with yet more first-party data.

2. LoveSeen Uses First-Party Data to Improve Email Marketing    

First party data examples: LoveSeen's "Find My Lash" quiz in mobile views

LoveSeen ranks among the best in first-party data examples for the way they’ve used data to seriously improve their email marketing efforts. The big challenge that this brand faced was that they needed customer data in order to create emails featuring highly personalized product recommendations.

To pursue this goal, LoveSeen partnered with Jebbit and created a “Find My Lash” quiz. This quiz surveyed users about their favorite looks, their eye shapes, their experience with fake lashes, and more. As users answered questions, the experience collected a trove of first-party data on customer needs and preferences as well as zero-party data in the form of email addresses and phone numbers for SMS marketing.

The quiz delivered huge results. As many as 35% of website visitors interacted with the quiz, and 47% of those who interacted with it opted in to email and SMS subscriptions — a big boost to LoveSeen’s email list. The quiz also generated a 60% increase in online conversion rates.

Most importantly, this quiz revolutionized LoveSeen’s email marketing. The brand used data collected from the quiz to improve marketing emails — and saw a 100% lift in email open rates and click-through rates as a result.

What You Can Learn From LoveSeen

Interactive customer experiences do more than engage users. They’re also invaluable for learning more about customer behavior, needs, and preferences — and you can use those insights to create highly personalized marketing emails that convert.

3. Publishers Clearing House Sees Big Wins With First-Party Data Strategy

PCH’s online survey in behalf of the House of Fun

Publishers Clearing House is famed among consumers for its sweepstakes — and brands turn to PCH Media to connect with consumers. Why? Because PCH has an authenticated audience of more than 44 million people providing a vast amount of first-party data. From all of that data, PCH has created hundreds of pre-built customer segments, customer profiles, and custom audiences that their brand partners can use to reach the right audience. 

As you might imagine, collecting such an enormous amount of first-party data is a monumental task. PCH has long relied on traditional customer surveys to collect much of this data — and they turned to Jebbit for help in enhancing those surveys. Jebbit enabled PCH to totally transform their surveys. Where PCH’s surveys were once time-consuming and not particularly user-friendly, now PCH is able to create much more engaging digital experiences. 

And the result? Even more first-party data than ever before. PCH surveys and experiences created with Jebbit saw a 70% completion rate — much higher than the 25% completion rate they saw prior to partnering with Jebbit. That enabled them to create even better consumer insight reports, which should prove invaluable to their partner brands.

What You Can Learn From PCH

Conducting market research and gathering customer insights doesn’t have to be a chore for you — or for your customers. Do what PCH did, and transform surveys into an experience that offers some type of real value. In this case, PCH offered their customers entertainment value, but you can also offer information or something else. Either way, if you make surveys simple and rewarding, customers will engage — and happily provide the first-party data you need to create accurate audience segments.

4. JCPenney’s Data and Messaging Makeover

JCPenney’s back-to-school product finder quiz

JCPenney is a leader in the retail space — and when it comes to examples of brands making the transition from third-party data to first-party data, they’re a leader here, too. In light of new data privacy regulations like the GDPR and the CCPA, JCPenney partnered with Jebbit to create a series of quizzes that engage customers while gathering first-party data.

One of their quizzes — the back-to-school product finder — asks a few questions about first-day-of-school style preferences. More than 22,000 people viewed this quiz, 80% completed it, and it captured leads from 60% of those who completed it. All of that is in addition to the information that each survey question collected about customer preferences. 

And how is JCPenney using the first-party data generated from these experiences? For this brand, it’s not so much about demographics or other quantifiable data types. Rather, they’re using these insights to learn from their customers. With this information, they’ve refined their messaging and marketing content, and they’re learning more about pricing preferences too.

What You Can Learn From JCPenney

The phase-out of third-party cookies and the advent of the GDPR and CCPA means that first-party data is now the gold standard — and smart brands like JCPenney are leveraging engaging, interactive experiences to make the transition from third-party to first-party data.

Additionally, first-party data is not only useful for refining audience segments or creating personalized experiences but also for unlocking the insights needed to update brand messaging and your content marketing strategy.

Make Jebbit Your Trusted Partner to Unlock the Power of First-Party Data

As our first-party data examples have illustrated, your own customers are one of the best data sources out there. First-party data can drive personalization efforts, improve email marketing campaigns, help you create ultra-targeted audience segments, or even help you refine your brand’s messaging. 

Beyond these use cases, you can also use first-party data to enhance social media campaigns, make a more effective loyalty program, improve customer retention, or even build direct relationships with customers.

And with Jebbit’s help, you can make first-party data collection easy. Our no-code Experience Builder will have you creating quizzes, surveys, and interactive experiences in a variety of formats. Once you’ve created your experience, you can launch it across platforms — on your website, on social media platforms, via your mobile app, and more. 

To get started, schedule a strategy call with one of our Experience Experts.

Brittany Gulla
Director of Growth Marketing

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