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August 7, 2018

Data-Driven Twitter Marketing: Getting the Most Out of the Jebbit + Twitter Partnership

Successful Twitter marketing is powerful. Learn how to get the most out of the Jebbit + Twitter partnership and use data to drive results.

Hannah Peacock

If you work in B2C marketing, chances are Twitter is a core part of your social media strategy.

Setting up a Twitter page for your company is easy and the platform can be valuable for engaging with your customers. What’s not so simple, however, is growing your audience and turning Twitter into a tool that generates leads and builds your brand.

Growing a real following on Twitter takes more than setting up a handle and sending out Tweets. It’s about engaging with your target audience and building relationships.

Successful Twitter marketing is powerful. The nature of the platform provides an edge that neither Facebook nor LinkedIn nor Instagram can claim: conversations at the right place and right time.

As one of six Twitter Creative Solutions Partners, we know that if marketers take the time to build and curate relationships and remember the mobile mindset Twitter users have while on the platform, they can build a highly effective, data-driven Twitter strategy.

What Makes Twitter Different

The way marketers approach each social media site is different: Your Twitter marketing strategy isn’t going to be the same as your plan for Facebook or Pinterest. And understanding how Twitter works will shape how you use it.

To dive deeper, the Twitter stats roundup looks like this:

  • 330 million monthly active users globally
  • 500 million Tweets published each day
  • 80% of users access the site on a mobile device

Brands use Twitter for many ways – sharing content, driving engagement for promotional activities, networking, interacting with customers, etc. All of these activities have to do with interactions and real-time communication.

Brands turn to Twitter to connect directly with their audiences around the world; to stand out from the crowd and develop meaningful customer relationships. To do so, marketers need concise, relevant, and memorable content that performs at scale.

Inside the Mind of a Tweeter

Of Twitter’s 330 million monthly active users, 80% access the platform from their mobile device and 80% are considered “affluent millennials.” As a result, the platform is primarily used on-the-go.

Because consumers now have the average attention span of only 8.25 seconds (the same as a goldfish!), information needs to be easy to consume and digest. A single Tweet will get only a few seconds of attention and brands must be ready to grab it and engage.

That means to get results on Twitter, you have to consider the mobile mindset (learn more here) of your audience not only in the Tweets you post, but also the content that you drive them to.

Keep Things Conversational

The nature of Twitter is to inspire relevant interactions and engagement. Don’t try to force consumers to make a purchase or download an app when their mindset is focused on engaging with fun, interesting content.

Instead, think about having relevant conversations at the right place and the right time. This immediate and compelling content will attract new followers and keep them engaged over time.

Some best practices include:

  • Keep it short. A concise Tweet makes an impact.
  • Incorporate relevant hashtags. Hashtags are a powerful tool that allow you to expand your reach and tap into relevant, timely conversations.
  • Ask questions and run polls. Asking questions is an effective way to to interact with your audience, bring readers into the conversation, and understand people’s opinions.
  • Curate and connect with retweets and replies. People love to talk to businesses directly on Twitter, be responsive.

Remember, when you start a digital conversation with a customer or prospect, you get them to open up and get the chance learn more about their interests, intentions, and motivations (aka, you get them to share declared data).

How We Do Data-Driven Twitter Marketing

At Jebbit, we’ve developed a way for brands to create immersive, conversational mobile experiences at scale. Each Jebbit experience captures declared data from consumers and ties it back to their lead information, so you can understand their likes, attitudes, and motivations and use that information to personalize your messaging on a one-to-one basis.

How does that apply to Twitter?

When you capture declared data via Twitter, you’re able to truly understand a highly engaged portion of your audience. Brands who use this type of data for custom audience creation have seen results like a 1233% increase (yep, you read that right) in lead generation, because they’re able to market in a contextually relevant, personalized way.

For example, if you’re attaching a url to your organic posts or using Twitter for Business to drive traffic to your site, use that attention to learn about your customers. Instead of driving users to the app store or a landing page, think about sending them to an immersive, mobile experience.

When driving them to a Jebbit experience, you can ask them questions or give them options to tell you more about themselves. Then, you can pull interest-based segments of emails to create custom audiences for Twitter advertising.

So, for your next Twitter campaign, try to capture more declared data. Then build your custom audience and let the results roll in.

houston rockets jebbit experience

Case Study: Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets saw the opportunity to use Jebbit and Twitter together to drive lead generation.

Both The Houston Rockets, Adidas, and James Harden teamed up to engage the Rockets audience, NBA fans, and Adidas fans around the world.

Via Twitter, they posted an interactive Jebbit experience allowing fans to find out which James Harden shoe was right for them.

Of audiences who clicked the Tweet, 91% of users engaged with the experience leading to an 89% lead generation rate.

This translated to over 10,000 unique users submitting their email address and over 54,000 unique audience attributes captured.

Using the data collected, The Rockets and Adidas could then deliver personalized messages to those audiences, including email follow-ups, product recommendations, tailored landing pages and more.

Get Started

Want results like these? Get a demo to learn more about how Twitter and Jebbit can work together to enrich your marketing data strategy.

Hannah Peacock

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